專案起源 / Background of Holopolis

專案起源 / Background

Taiwan has been experimenting with bringing citizens and government together in a civic deliberation process for crafting digital legislation. Our process, vTaiwan, brings people directly into governance and helps lawmakers implement decisions with a greater degree of legitimacy. We see our project as an adaptable and reproducible prototype for future democracy.

It is our priority to support all people in participating fully and freely. We have utilized the power of web and AI to provide full remote participation for large groups of participants, and we are now taking the platform to the next level by bringing participants into a shared reality environment. This virtual environment will welcome people with different learning inclinations to participate and contribute freely in the ways they are most comfortable. We believe that by using technology creatively humanity can facilitate deep and fair conversations, form collective consensus, and deliver solution we can all live with.

We named this project Holopolis as in envisioning a virtual projection of real world cities, where citizens come together, commit and conduct deep deliberation.

如何參與 / How to Contribute

Holopolis is an open project that welcomes all people interested. We also see Holopolis as a collective of many projects. All contributors are free to launch projects and prototype their ideas out. Our team consists of developers, designers and researchers who work together and share ideas and prototypes for reinventing democracy.

Here are several ways of being involved:

  • Slack
    Go to join.g0v.today, and find #holopolis channel
    We exchange ideas, chat and sync up there.
  • Make, show & tell on discourse
    Contributor are free and encouraged to take ownership of the brief above and start a project right away. Or join existing projects. You can create a post in the project category and log your progress there. It is encouraged to post not only the result but also every small steps as projects grow.

專案與紀錄 / Projects and Timeline

網站 / website - http://holopolis.pdis.tw
This is a public-facing website with a brief description on the front page. It shows ongoing projects, and a timeline that demonstrates what we have done.

紀錄 / Log
Discourse Anyone can launch his/her own project on Discourse by creating a new topic or post. All changelogs will be saved.