
  1. Welcome to the Talk/Wiselike platform, which is operated by the Public Digital Innovation Space (PDIS). Because the operation of this Platform is supported by Wiselike platform, this Terms of Use also applies to the necessary services provided by Wiselike platform. The term “this Platform” hereinafter represents Talk/Wiselike platform.
  2. This Platform aims to provide the public with more opportunities to openly raise questions, makes speeches, and participate in the discussion on public matters with PDIS.
  3. This Terms of Use is a contract entered between the users and PDIS. The purpose is to protect the users’ rights and interests and confirms the rights and obligations between this Platform and the users. Upon an account registration or the commencement of using services provided by this Platform, it is deemed that the users have read and completely agreed to all provisions provided in this Terms of Use as well as the rights and obligations derived in the future.
  4. All users of this Platform shall carefully read the following provisions in this Terms of Use.

User Eligibility

  1. Minors shall have the legal representative read, understand, and agree on all provisions in this Terms of Use to be eligible for registering accounts and using this Platform.
  2. An e-mail account shall be used to register an account.
  3. Before using the services of this Platform, the users must complete the registration and provide the personal data required for the registration.
  4. The personal data required for the registration may include the users’ usernames, full names, e-mails, and other contact information.
  5. Upon any changes of the personal data after completing the registration, the users shall update the relevant data in time.
  6. If the users do not update or provide the personal data as indicated, this Platform is entitled to the right to refuse, suspend, or terminate the whole or parts of the rights of the related services provided to the user without prior notification. This Platform shall not be responsible for the damages, loss, or any disinterest caused by the aforementioned action.
  7. Users can choose their usernames and nicknames; however, they shall keep the account confidential and under proper custody without disclosing or providing them to a third party.
  8. All behaviors after logging in into this Platform shall be regarded as the behaviors of the user who holds the account and such user is accountable for those behaviors.
  9. If a user discovers or suspects that a third party is using the user’s account, this Platform shall be notified as indicated in this Terms of Use in order to take further appropriate measures. However, the measures shall not be interpreted as this Platform’s explicit or implicit obligations of compensations or remedies in any form to the user. The user’s legal liability shall not be exempted before the notification and by the notification.

User Content

  1. The users agree to release the content on this Platform in accordance with the license terms of Creative Commons CC BY 4.0.
  2. The users shall ensure that the content provided on this Platform does not infringe the intellectual property right of third parties. In case of the infringement, the users shall take the legal liability in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
  3. All content provided by the users on this Platform, including but not limited to texts, pictures, videos, files, URL links, QR codes, or other data, shall be automatically uploaded, posted, or stored by the computer system in accordance with the commands of the users; PDIS shall not be responsible for any review, verification or editing.
  4. The users shall ensure that the content provided on this Platform and their actions shall comply with the laws. In case of violation of the Civil Code, Criminal Code, or other administrative regulations, the users shall be responsible for their own actions.

Prohibited Conduct

The following actions and behaviors are strictly prohibited on this Platform:

  1. To use this Platform for illegal purposes and to engage in conduct that violates the laws and regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
  2. To instigate third parties to carry out torts, crimes, or infringement of the intellectual property rights of others.
  3. To post, transmit, deliver, or store any emails, pictures, files, links, or materials that defame or harm personal or business reputations of others.
  4. To commit fraud, obscenity, gambling, or distribute pornographic images, files, links, or information.
  5. To provide false data or information.
  6. To violate the public order, good morals, mandatory or prohibitive regulations.
  7. To interfere with the operation of this Platform for illegal or malicious purposes, to affect services provided on this Platform, such as the publication, transmission, delivery, or storage of virus on this Platform, or to sabotage or interfere the computing of data/information of the system.
  8. To steal users’ accounts or passwords or collect a third party’s data or information without consent or to forge users’ own or a third party’s personal data without authorization.

Termination of Use

  1. This Platform is entitled to the right to terminate the whole or parts of the services at any time, with or without notification, and shall not be liable for the compensations or remedies of specific users.
  2. This Platform may suspend or terminate the services at any time for the purpose of relocation, replacement, upgrade, maintenance, or repair of related software and hardware of this Platform.
  3. In case of the following circumstances, PDIS may suspend its services at any time or terminate the services without being responsible for the compensations or remedies to the users: A. If the user violates the laws or this Terms of Use. B. In the circumstance of natural disasters and other force majeure, or other reasons not attributable to PDIS that cause this Platform to be interrupted or unable to operate as normal. C. When the system is forged, altered, deleted, or retrieved, which causes the platform to be interrupted or unable to operate as normal.
  4. The users can proactively delete their accounts at any time to suspend the services provided by this Platform.

Privacy Policy

Please refer to the Privacy Policy.

Modification of Provisions

  1. This Platform is entitled to the right to add, reduce, or change the services provided by this Platform, the whole or parts of its content and/or functions, and the terms or agreement of use.
  2. The modified provisions shall be published on this Platform’s website at the section of Terms of Use without a separate notice to the users.
  3. If the addition, reduction, or change of the services require the user’s consent, the users shall be able to continue using the services provided by this Platform after giving their consent to such addition, reduction, or change of the provisions.
  4. The users shall regularly review and read this Terms of Use.

Interpretation of the Terms of Use

  1. According to the Article 16 of the Consumer Protection Act (the CPA) of the Republic of China (Taiwan), whereby removing any standard terms and conditions, or part of the terms and conditions thereof are held to be null or void, or do not constitute as part of the standard contracts, do not affect the contract formation, the remaining part of the contract shall still be valid.
  2. According to the second paragraph of the Article 11 of the CPA, where there is any ambiguity in the wording of the standard terms and conditions, interpretations shall be made in favor of the users.
  3. If the users have any questions regarding the services provided by this Platform or intend to revise or delete the content on this Platform provided by themselves, they can send their inquiries through this e-mail address: [email protected].

Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction

  1. The rights and obligations between this Platform and the users shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
  2. The provisions and agreements of usage of this Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
  3. The users may bring a legal action or proceeding against this Platform for the dispute arising out of or relating to the relevant specification and agreement of use of this Terms of Use, but the users shall bring the legal action or proceeding in Taiwan Taipei District Court.

Contact Information

PDIS is located at No. 1, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City, Republic of China (Taiwan) 10058. The users can contact us via e-mail: [email protected].


  1. 歡迎使用由公共數位創新空間小組(Public Digital Innovation Space, PDIS)維運的 Talk/Wiselike 平臺。Talk 平臺之營運同時結合 Wiselike 平臺,故此使用者條款亦適用於 Wiselike 平臺所提供之必要服務。以下「本平臺」之用詞指 Talk/Wiselike 平臺。
  2. 本平臺設立宗旨,是為供大眾與公共數位創新空間小組間公開提問、發言,及參與公共事務討論之機會。
  3. 本使用者條款為使用者與 PDIS 間之使用者契約。此契約之目的是為保護所有使用者之權利與利益,明確本平臺與使用者間之權利義務關係。當使用者完成帳號註冊手續,或開始使用本平臺提供之服務,即視為已知悉並完全同意本使用條款的所有規定及未來衍生之權利義務關係。
  4. 所有使用本平臺之使用者,皆應詳細閱讀下列使用者條款。


  1. 未成年之使用者,應經其法定代理人閱讀、瞭解並同意本使用者條款之所有內容後,方得使用本平臺。
  2. 使用者得使用電子郵件信箱註冊。
  3. 使用者使用本平臺服務前,應完成帳號註冊程序,正確提供註冊所需之個人資料。
  4. 因註冊帳號需蒐集之個人資料可能包含:使用者名稱、全名、電子郵件等聯絡資料。
  5. 若使用者提供的之個人資料事後有變更,使用者應即時更新相關資料。
  6. 若使用者未即時更新或未按指定方式提供個人資料,本平臺保留不經事先通知,可隨時拒絕、暫停,或終止對該使用者提供相關服務之全部或一部之權利,並對所致之損害、損失或任何不利益,不負任何責任。
  7. 使用者可自行選擇使用者名稱或全名,但使用者有妥善保管和保密其帳號之義務,不得透漏或提供予第三人使用。
  8. 使用者登入本平臺後之所有行為,均被視為該使用者本人之行為,應由持有該使用者帳戶之使用者負其責任。
  9. 使用者若發現或懷疑第三人使用其帳號時,應依本條款所示方式,立即通知本平臺,以利及時採取適當的因應措施。但任何措施不得解釋為本平臺明示或默示對使用者負有任何形式之賠償或補償義務;且使用者於通知前依法應負之法律上責任,並不因該通知而免除。


  1. 使用者同意就其於本平臺所提供之內容依照創用 CC BY 4.0 授權條款釋出。
  2. 使用者應確保其於本平臺提供之內容未侵害第三人之智慧財產權或權利。若涉有侵權,應由該使用者依相關法律自行負責。
  3. 使用者於本平臺提供之內容,包括且不限於文字、圖片、影片、檔案、網路連結、QR code 或其他資料,均由電腦系統自動依使用者之指令上傳、刊載或儲存,PDIS 不負任何審查、核對或編輯之責任。
  4. 使用者應確保其於本平臺提供之內容及所為之行為屬合法,若違反民事、刑事或其他行政法上之規定,應由該使用者自行負責。



  1. 基於任何非法目的利用本平臺,並進行違反中華民國法律之行為。
  2. 教唆他人進行民事侵權行為、犯罪,或侵害他人智慧財產權之行為。
  3. 刊載、傳輸、發送或儲存任何誹謗或妨害他人名譽或商譽之郵件、圖片、檔案、連結或資料。
  4. 進行詐欺、猥褻、賭博,或散布色情圖片、檔案、連結或資料。
  5. 提供不實之資料或訊息。
  6. 違反公共秩序、善良風俗或法律上強制或禁止之規定。
  7. 基於非法目的或惡意干擾本平臺之運作,刊載、傳輸、發送、儲存病毒,影響本平臺提供服務,或進行其他任何破壞或干擾系統運算資料、訊息之行為。
  8. 未經同意盜取使用者之帳號、密碼,或未經同意收集他人之個人資料,或擅自竄改使用者本人或他人之個人資料。


  1. 不論提供通知與否,本平臺保留隨時停止提供服務之全部或一部之權利,且不因此而對特定使用者負賠償或補償之責任。
  2. 當本平臺對於相關軟硬體設備進行搬遷、更換、升級、保養或維修時,本平臺得隨時暫停或中止服務。
  3. 若有以下情形,PDIS 得隨時暫時停止提供服務、或終止提供服務之權利,且不因此對該使用者負任何賠償或補償之責任: A. 使用者若有任何違反法律規定或本使用者條款之情形時; B. 天災等不可抗力等情事,或其他不可歸責於 PDIS 之事由,致本平臺中斷或不能正常運作時; C. 系統遭偽造、竄改、刪除或擷取,致本平臺中斷或不能正常運作時;
  4. 使用者可隨時主動刪除其帳號並停止使用本平臺提供之服務。




  1. 本平臺保留隨時新增、減少或變更本平臺提供之服務項目與內容、功能之全部或一部之權利或使用規範或約定之權利。
  2. 修改後的條款,將公布在本平臺使用者條款之網頁上,不另外個別通知使用者。
  3. 若服務之新增、減少或變更須經使用者之同意,使用者須同意該新增、減少或變更之條款後,始得繼續使用本平臺提供之服務。
  4. 使用者應經常且規律地檢視並閱讀本使用條款。


  1. 依據中華民國消費者保護法第十六條本文之規定,定型化契約中之定型化契約條款,全部或一部無效或不構成契約內容之一部者,除去該部分,契約亦可成立者,該契約之其他部分,仍為有效。
  2. 依據同法第十一條第二項之規定,本契約條款如有疑義,將為有利於使用者之解釋。
  3. 使用者若對本平臺提供之服務有問題,或欲申請修改或移除就本人於平臺上所提供之內容,可透過電子信箱進行諮詢。電子信箱:[email protected]


  1. 本平臺與使用者之權利義務關係,應依中華民國法令解釋適用之。
  2. 本使用者條款相關使用規範及約定,以中華民國法令為準據法。
  3. 因本使用者條款之相關使用規範及約定所發生之爭議而衍生之訴訟,以台灣臺北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。


PDIS 位於中華民國(臺灣)10058 臺北市忠孝東路一段一號。使用者可透過電子郵件進行聯繫,電子信箱:[email protected]