Hi Audrey, my name is Barbara Celis, I am a Spanish reporter based in Taiwan. I have a few questions regarding your new job and your ideas about our digital society for an article. Would you mind to answer? Thank you in advance!
-The virus of ideology that you mentioned in your talk in Madrid last May it seems very difficult to change in regards of the idea that hackers are bad (I am thinking at cases such as Snowden’s, in which government sends a message and activists the opposite). Yet, all the western media is referring to you as a hacker (a good one) and you define yourself as a ‘civic hacker’. Could you explain the meaning of that definition and to which degree do you think hackers have contributed to spreading democracy in the past 20 years?
- Why has a self-defined ‘conservative anarchist’ like yourself entered an elected government?
-Your experience working with vTaiwan and g0v community has taken you around the world to talk about it. As a minister, how are you going to implement what you learnt to improve its possibilities? - Do you consider digital participation is the answer to democratize democracies around the world that have reduced their public political involvement to vote?
-You took part in the Sunflower movement, in Spain we had 15M Indignados. At least in my country many people who participated in public debates on streets slowly quit and went back to their regular ‘ i vote, i sign petitions online and that’s it’, no more real participation. In Taiwan it might have happened the same. Do you have a plan to bring people on board, to get them excited about discussion and participation process such as the one you organized on Uber?
-How digital illiterate people can take advantage of the internet and digital tools?
-I read you want a Taiwan Silicon Valley. How could it be achieved?
-Will open source tools substitute Apple or/and Windows in the future?
-Are we at risk that digital entertainment such as the Pokemon Go phenomena could be used to manipulate people and keep them ‘dormant’ as in a dystopian science fiction society?
-You have been a consultant for the education department too. How could we avoid to make our children ‘digital junkies’ like those that many recent studies alert about?
-Why is coding so important in education? (in Spain isn’t popular yet)
-Which are our next digital challenges and threats as citizens?
-What will shape more our future, robots or virtual reality? Thank you so much for answering!