Dear Minister Tang, I thank you in advance for your time and attache here the questions.
You already explained many times why you consider yourself a “conservative anarchist”. Which are the thinkers, writers that influenced you most, in your life choices and political path?
Whistle blowers. New wiki leaks will be filed and made public in the next weeks, some of them, the night before the American elections day. These leaks will probably influence more than everything the elections in Usa. Some call it freedom, some call it cyber terror. How do you call it? Assange lives in a few metre’s room in the Ecuador embassy, Snowden is in Russia with a trial pending against him in the USA. What are your thoughts about it?
Social network tycoon, usually finding methods to evade taxes to increase their already giant profits, sell and use the big data of their users for and to many different subjects. How do you find this policy?
I’ll bring up a recent news that upset the Italian public opinion and plumped an endless debate about the social network haters. A young girl recently committed suicide after her sex video became viral on the web and thousands cyberbullied her. On the social media vulnerable people and women are often the elected victims. Tyler Clementi’s suicide brought to public attention the phenomenon in 2010, the struggle worldwide is still on and far from won. What are your opinions about it?
You declared you don’t want to be involved in the war between sex and you consider yourself post genre. Can you tell me more about it?
Audrey: why did you choose this name after your began transitioning?
I read the poem you wrote for Chelsea Manning. Did you write more and if yes, addressed to who?
Which is your favourite app?
Women and power. What is the position held today by women in the web industry?
Your first engine was built for mandarin lyrics. Internet is a language changing our languages. The idiom we all use on the web is fast, brief, usually simple and full of mistakes. In a famous Italian movie it’s said: “you talk bad, you think bad, you live bad”. What is the importance of language in the today world according to you? Do you foresee any evolution of it?
You said you grew up between activists. Will the web help the social activism of the future or condemn it to an eternal virtual stage? Is the virtual the new real? What is the contrary of the word virtual?
Thanks again, M
- Ludwig Wittgenstein and James Joyce were the main influences when I was a teenager. I first learned about anarchism through “An Anarchist FAQ” and its referenced reading materials.
- I call it a “media organization and associated library”. I think their current lifestyle motivated them to become explorers in telepresence systems, a field closely aligned to my research interests.
- I think it’s an emergent property of the “service as a software substitute” topology. I choose to conserve Freedom Zero ( ) by contributing to multicentral topologies.
- We had a long multistakeholder conversation about this ( ) and I think the role of passive witness sometimes exacerbates the situation; the website ( ) has more information on this aspect.
- That’s all there is to it.
- The name before that was Autrijus, so it’s a soundalike refactoring that sounds less outrageous.
- I translated the poem; the author was Chen Yi-Wen. I did write a poem to the French assembly:
- MoeDict ( ).
- This s a wiki-length question and so please refer to a wiki:
- Due to the constrained bandwidth of text, the language has become more poetic. The next evolution will probably come when we have a generally accessible, high-bandwidth multidirectional link, such as shared realities through social VR.
- It’s all up to the activists. As Philip Rosedale said, “we already live in a virtual world — it’s called our brain”. Non-virtual.