
「知識經濟」a. 知識經濟最重要的是人才,而台灣面臨嚴重的人才流失問題。我不知道如何問這個問題,因為這個問題很龐大,只想聽你的想法。
b. Bonus Question (Optional): You have worked as a successful entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, and have retired in Taiwan at the young age of 33. Would you agree that Taiwan is a great place for retirement, but not for work? :slight_smile:
Having read some of your interviews, the way you view the world is very inspiring. Concepts such as “individual anarchism” and “scalable listening”, as well as your biography, have led me to reflect deeper about technology and my education. Thank you for serving the public after your retirement. :slight_smile: I hope that the media and the public will evaluate you based on your policies and in proportion to the power you have.
(Edit: 有些問題發現你回答過了,便刪掉了。)

  1. 誠如你所說,這個問題非常龐大。我有試著用簡單的 Democracy 3 模型感受過 https://github.com/audreyt/democracy3-taiwan-mod — 但還沒有形成很具體的想法。
  2. 這部份和數位/開放政府比較沒有關連,難以直接回應,請見諒。