
改造的方式,可能有二種或二種以上1 從生物生理結構,或基因上的改造
2 讓人腦能以某種方式連結電腦
3 結合上述二個方法
4 其他,譬如人腦與人腦間也可連結,等等
不論是方法 1 或 2 或 3 或 4都有可能會促使人類的智力與知覺與記憶力等大幅提升最終形成人工智慧與人腦的競賽或是相輔相乘

  1. 以當代的神經可塑理論來說,每次溝通都是在重新構造彼此大腦的生理結構。
  2. 針對助聽、助視、助行等輔具,深化與認知系統的連結,此類有助於平等與人權的研究,道德上我認為是正當的。
  3. 至於其他應用,則要視具體案例,綜合各界的感受形成判斷,我難以遽下定論,還請見諒。

In the end we had to enter universe clouds and join the holistic life body and synergy platform that is higher universe than we know now. Experienced practitioners can interact with it and established religions.

If you had exceptional physical experience, you will know our knowledge and experience is only a tiny part of life and universe. We will know God’s plan when we can cross barrier of time and space.

Audrey 妳的回覆很好,非常感謝。樓上的朋友熱心分享想法也很好,也很感謝。相信只要大家一起努力,在未來的某一天不論是人類,各種動物,有自主思考能力的電腦,甚至是"未來更高智慧的新人類或新物種"被創造出來,大家都能互相理解,互相幫助,與世界和平共存。

We can prevent wisdom robots to dominate human world with higher intelligence and stronger bodies if we can hack in robots’ brains.
Scientists can hack human brains with smell. Some people enjoy hacking their own brains with coffee, smoking, alcohol, and drugs etc. Human brains have been hacked by universe clouds or local clouds most of the time. I know many practitioners can perform soul travel. I like to promote experiment with them to find if soul traveler can hack into other people’s brains with hard evidence.
Trillions neutrinos pass human body per second that can carry thoughts and human status into the universe clouds. How can we think universe has no life when so many lives have existed in universe? We can learn universe life better with concept of ICT clouds. Since human can build ICT clouds, universe also can build universe clouds in nature way. Universe is full of particles like Wi-Fi zone. Everyone has a website in universe clouds that can download into a human body like we can download software to a computer. ICT gives us good idea of how universe life looks like and how human life really looks like.