Join Us

如何參與 / How to Contribute

Holopolis is an open project that welcomes all people interested to participate. We see Holopolis as a collective of many small projects instead of a single giant one. We post the background of Holopolis, our realtimeboard brainstorming canvas, insights from research/interview/fieldwork and design challenges. You can contribute with projects that relate to the theme. New ideas and prototypes are especially welcome. You are also free to take many steps back, even write another brief for us!

Our team, at the moment, consists of developers, designers and researchers who work together and share ideas and prototypes for reinventing democracy.

Here are several ways of being involved:

  • Chat / Slack
    Go to, and find #holopolis channel
    We exchange ideas, chat and sync up there

  • Weekly meeting /
    Join our weekly meeting. Every Friday 3pm (UTC+8) at

  • Make, show & tell on discourse / Discourse
    All contributors are free to launch projects and prototype out their ideas. Or, simply pick and join existing projects. You can create a post in the project category and log your progress there. It is encouraged to post not only the end result but also every small step as the project grows.

Holopolis 是個開放式專案, 歡迎任何有興趣的人參加。我們想像中的 Holopolis 不是單一一個龐大的專案,而是一個讓許許多多的專案們自由成長的環境。我們貼出 Holopolis 專案的背景,訪談與研究的洞見,並提出設計挑戰。所有參與者都可以自由從任何一個階段做下去。

每個參與者都可以在這個空間中啟動專案,或是加入其他專案。做出來的成果可以在 projects 留下紀錄,並自由選擇是否更新到 網站上。我們目前的成員有程式設計師,設計師,研究員等等,歡迎自由組團創作。


討論 / Slack
請到 這個網址,找到 #holopolis 頻道

咪挺 /
每週五下午三點 (台北時間 UTC+8) 我們都會在 線上進行週咪挺。

實作 / Discourse
每個參與者都可以在這個空間中啟動專案,或是加入其他專案。做出來的成果可以在 projects 分類 留下紀錄,並自由選擇是否更新到 網站上。
